There’s a bit more to Carrots….

For this month’s collection of recipes, we thought that we’d post a some recipes of a much underrated vegetable. Carrots normally form part of mirepoix, purees & soups, but as our blog will demonstrate they are just a bit more versatile than that. Although the most common colour for carrots is orange, they actually do … Continue reading

Our view of the National Restaurant Awards

So as we near the end of the award season, last night was yet another excuse to get dressed up. The National Restaurant awards in London coincided with the Restaurant show. So having had the list for a little while now, it begs some of the same questions as when all these sort of award … Continue reading

Foodie Crossword

Just for a change we thought we’d put together a cheeky little competition. Unfortunately it’s just for fun, so there are no prizes sadly. A downloadable version is available from our server: Crossword Enjoy

It’s Grim Up North…….

Late yesterday evening, the Chef Hermes Blog were notified of a significant recruitment move. The name mentioned has been out of the scene for some 18 months or so, but now it looks like he’s taken a fixed term contract in North Yorkshire. We’re of course talking about the former 5 rosette and Michelin starred … Continue reading

Yet another leaked guide book, Good Food Guide 2011

This post has been removed. . . The Chef Hermes blog would like to apologise unreservedly to Which? Publications. In the blog publishing a leak of the Good Food Guide 2011, we didn’t realise it would have caused such offence. The Blog has removed all prepublication & copyright material from the site and again would … Continue reading